React Native vs Flutter | what should i choose to build mobile app

React Native or Flutter — What should I choose to build my mobile app?

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React Native vs Flutter

In the digital era, the building of cross-platform mobile apps is trending. However, it stays one of our most complicated jobs to select the right platform for your web development project.

As mobile apps become more famous, almost every business needs a mobile app or app to stay relevant and competitive. Moreover, businesses are looking for an alternative to develop mobile apps with better speed and lower resources, particularly for iOS and Android. Apple and Google have certainly provided native app developing tools and technology. iOS developers can build Xcode and Swift apps, while Android developers can use Kotlin / Java and Android Studio. However, this means the engineers need to learn two totally different technology suites. As a result, industries are adopting platform-based technologies for developing applications for both iOS and Android in a single language faster.

React Native and Flutter are the two most common app development cross-platform frameworks for developing thousands of apps today. If you would choose React Native vs Flutter, which one you should choose?

This question has no right solution. Your industry parameters and uses will depend on the answer to this question. React Native, as well as Flutter, are good competitors with their own benefits and constraints.

First off, let’s cover a basic introduction to React Native and Flutter.

What is Flutter?

Flutter is an open-source platform that works with Google’s Dart language. It is also used to develop cross-platform applications with one codebase as an enhanced mobile toolkit. It gives access to responsive and robust user interfaces with native performance. A team of Google programmers and the whole flutter team is still helped and sponsored.

Here are some cool stats for the market usage of Flutter:

Use cases of Flutter

  • Skia rendering engine high-performance apps
  • Flexible user interface with high widgets
  • Material construction applications
  • Apps with OS-level functionality
  • Mobile apps for MVP
  • Reactivate applications with extensive data integration
  • Easy rational advanced Os Plugins

Popular apps are made with Flutter

Google Ads, Tencent, Alibaba, eBay, BMW, Reflectly

What is React Native?

React Native was endorsed by Facebook and introduced in 2015 by Facebook. Facebook has a development team that works on and develops React Native every day. Since the development in React Native on Facebook is high, many Facebook products are coded to React Native internally. Over the years, Facebook has increased a lot of confidence and visibility due to its good presence in React Native.

React Native UseCases

  • Reusable part implementations
  • Effective cross-platform apps
  • Apps that appear almost native to UX with FlexBox
  • Simplified UI implementations
  • Quick application prototype
  • Synchronous API applications

Popular apps are made with React Native

Facebook, Walmart, Bloomberg, Instagram, SoundCloud, Wix

Features comparison of React Native VS Flutter in Development

Flutter and React Native are both popular frameworks for the development of mobile apps across platforms. Yet each has its own characteristics. Let’s use aspects of the mind to compare React Native and Flutter:

Programming language

The key advantage of cross-platform mobile app development is the power for developing apps for both iOS and Android using the same programming language.

React Native

JavaScript uses React Native. ReactJS in particular – a library for implementing user interfaces for JavaScript. Function with React Native is simple for web developers.

Another major feature is the high popularity of JavaScript. The Stack Overflow 2020 survey shows that JavaScript is a programming language that has been used the most often for a period of eight years and that it is easier to assemble or train a React Native development team.


You have to use Dart for Flutter, Google’s programming language. Dart has many advantages as a customer optimized language. For example, take productive app development.

Fortunately, Dart is similar to other common OOP languages like Java and C++. If you know every one of them, you can easily pick it up. Moreover, Dart is loved by developers rather than JavaScript.

Research & Result

Since JavaScript is commonly used by most web developers, the React Native framework can be quickly implemented. Dart has a decent features module too, but in the developer ecosystem it’s often used and less known. In this case, Respond Native is in the division of the programming language.

Technical Architecture

React Native – Flux

React Native allows JavaScript to interact with the primary language on JavaScript bridge. This is how it works: by sending JSON messages, the two sides interact. The message is asynchronous, so the user experience for the software should be smooth. Additionally, there is a possibility that the user interface will lag because the bridge affects the return speed. React Native uses the Flux architecture from Facebook.

Flutter – Skia

Flutter needs no bridge to connect with indigenous components. Anything in it, like frames such as Cupertino and material design, is covered. This Flutter benefit makes applications on different apps more robust and efficient than React Native apps. The Dart framework uses the Skia C++ engine which has all the protocols, compositions, and channels.

Research & Result

In the system itself, the Flutter engine includes most native components and does not require a bridge to connect with the native components. Overall, React Native uses the JavaScript bridge to link with native modules that yield poor results.

Installation & Installation and Initial Configuration

React Native

You can build the React Native Application with the Node Package Manager (NPM). Installing React Native is quick for developers who have JavaScript experience, while others need to master the node package manager. Packs can be installed internally or externally by the package management node. The programmers must consider precisely where the binary is stored. We must have the HomeBrew package manager when running React Native on macOS.


By downloading the binary for a particular platform from Github, Flutter can be installed. We must download and add the file as a PATH variable in the case of macOS.

By providing package management support for Homebrew, MacPorts, YUM, APT, etc, the Flutter installation procedure should be improved, so that users do not need to do these extra steps in installation time.

Research & result

Flutter as well as React Native lacks a one-liner installation for native package managers for a given framework, but the installation of Flutter tends to require additional measures to add a binary to PATH and to import it from the source code, which may be helpful for developers not using JavaScript. React Native can be installed using package managers and without the need to import the binary.

Setup and Project Configuration

React Native

The initial guide for the React Native project implies that the developer already has the appropriate configuration for iOS and Android creations. The tools on the Xcode command lines have little detail, but it will not be enough to get there. The documentation goes straight to the stage of new project development.

There is no setup guide for Android projects in the React Native document.


The Flutter guide has full information on IDE configuration and platform configuration for iOS and Android respectively. All necessary configuration details can be read here on Flutter’s macOS installation. Also, Flutter has a flutter doctor CLI tool, which can direct developers through the setup. It inspects which tools are installed and which tools must be modified on the local computer. Once the doctor’s flutter is happy, a new Flutter app can be created. There is a separate page about how editors should be designed for Flutter

At this point, the whole Flutter project should be set up and configured.

Research & Result

From the above comparison, it is clear that Flutter provides better support for setup and configuration and CLI documentation.

UI Component and Development API

React Native

React Native provides the key elements for the development of an app, namely UI rendering and API device access. React typically relies on third-party libraries for other features, like access to native modules, that is less convenient than getting the tools you need in one box.


To build visually attractive interfaces with minimum effort, Flutter provides multiple libraries, navigation tools, debugging tools, and comprehensive widgets alongside the basic system API access and the base UI rendering. Flutter often allows developers to forget about the use of third-party libraries. The functionality associated with the frame is usually enough to implement all necessary tasks and design requirements.

Research & Result

Flutter is rich in API and UI developer components while React Native depends too much on libraries from third parties.

Developers’ Productivity

React Native

If the developer is a JavaScript expert, the cross-platform app development skills are easy to use. React Native has a hot reload capability that saves developers a lot of time while testing changes in the user interface. As regards IDE support, any text editor or IDE of your choosing may be used by the developers.


Flutter has also a hot reload function and the demo app is very simple to run. However, as apps get more complex, developers need to learn and accept new ideas from Flutter. Dart is not a standard language for programming, and many IDEs and text editors do not support it.

Research & Result

React Native has a mature platform and excellent support from developers in terms of IDEs and language functionalities. Flutter is somewhat new at this point, but will soon come back as Flutter expands in the group.

Community Support

React Native

React was introduced on GitHub as an open-source in 2015 and became the most common stack overflow system. It is supported by a large community of over 89k stars on GitHub, 58.4k users on its sub-propaganda, and a lot of Stack Overflow support. For this reason, it has more libraries/plugins than Flutter from third parties.


The online interest for Flutter can be seen both on GitHub, 47.6k-user community, and Stack Overflow with its 98k stars. While Dart was not greatly admired by the Stack Overflow developer survey, early blog posts gave positive feedback about Flutter’s use. Also, their paperwork is very informative and covers all questions asked in an appropriate amount of time.

Research & Result

The React Native community and resources have increased in size since the framework was launched. Flutter is still justly new, although community support is rising fast.

DevOps and CI/CD Support

React Native

React Native has no official CI / CD configuration documentation. Some papers define CI / CD for React Native applications, however. There is an article describing the system by which CI / CD is built with Nevercode to Respond to Native applications.


Flutter has a continuous Integration and Test section that contains links to external sources. However, we can configure CI / CD quickly with the rich command-line interface of Flutter. The CI / CD support for Flutter apps is developed into Nevercode. Here you can find the extensive blog post about the nevercode CI / CD protocol.

Research & Result

CI / CD resources with its powerful CLI tools make flutter applications easy and uncomplicated. React Native offers no official CI / CD practice guidance.

When you need to choose React Native

  • You want to use cross-platform plugins to scale the current apps.
  • The creation of robust native applications is your requirement.
  • You are searching for ways of building popular APIs.
  • Your purpose is to design an iterative application with a super accurate user interface.
  • You have enough time and money to spend on the project.

When You need to choose Flutter

  • Your approach does not have to be absolutely native.
  • You have a limited budget and a time plan.
  • You want code to be written quickly and easily deployed on the market.
  • By writing a single codebase with multi-platform support, you look to reduce the implementation costs.
  • The goal is to build applications with speeds between 60 FPS and 120 FPS.
  • You need to personalize the user interface with widgets and lower checks.


React Native and Flutter have both strengths and weaknesses, but Flutter was the winner. Most experts in the field of mobile app development forecast that Flutter is the future. Taking into account the foregoing reference, it is clear that Flutter has very strongly participated. Let’s not imagine the future, but wait and see.

Flutter is an open-source, free SDK that supports Google and is also used to build an Android and iOS app. It’s a Dart framework with a rich, elegant library of graphics. It can also be used to develop Google Fuchsia applications – Google’s capability-based OS.

Savvient Technologies is a leading web & mobile app development company headquartered in Australia, works on cutting-edge technologies and if you’re searching for your successful software development service, contact us or email on now.


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